undefined undefined undefined undefined undefined undefined undefined undefined undefined undefined undefined undefined undefined undefined undefined 佛山市凯德森机械有限公司地处中国经济较活跃、社会发展较迅速的地区——珠江三角洲,是一家从事各种食品包装机械设计、制造、销售及服务的** 企业。公司创办以来,在包装机械领域已获得丰富的经验,拥有多项成熟技术。到目前为止,已发展成为几十个品种的包装机系列产品。广泛适用于食品、医药、化工、饲 料、玩具、五金配件等行业的产品包装。现销售及服务覆盖全国各地 我们不仅为客户提供优质可靠的产品,同时还致力于塑料软包装的整体解决方案,承接各种标准的包装机OEM业务,并为客户提供专业的技术服务支持。热忱欢迎海内外客商前来参观指导,我们希望与您共创包装行业的新辉煌。 FoShan KingSun Machinery Co., Ltd is located in Pearl River Triangle. It is the most energetic and developing economic area in China. Our company is a high-tech enterprise specializing in the design, manufacture, sale and service of food packaging machines. During this period, we have gained rich experience in packaging machinery industry and have developed full-flown technique of several ranges. So far, we have developed scores of type of packing machinery series products and mature technology. These products are applicable for food, medication, chemistry, feed, toy, ironware and other industries. Our products sell well in domestic and exported Southeast Asia, South America, East Europe and the Middle East. We are not only offer the product with good quality but flexible packaging solution. Meanwhile, We have ability to produce kind various standard packaging machine as OEM manufacturer and provide professional services. Warmly welcome friends from all around the world to visit, inspect, and join for our bright future. undefined 联 系 人:丘小姐 女士 电 话:传 真:86 0757 81168635地 址:中国 广东 佛山市南海区 狮山招大创业中路邮 编:528200公司主页